Monday, April 27, 2009

weekend report

Our ward (church unit) has the absolute best nursery leader on the planet! She has been so good with Enoch's introduction into nursery. I love her so much! One of their projects involved making a nest with all sorts of fun items to use for the nest, and clay for the eggs and bird. Since Enoch isn't quite able to construct such a masterpiece without eating most of it, Danni inherited it, and this was her finished project. It's hard to see in this picture, but the bird is baby blue and brown and the eggs are very colorful, but she has them under the nest stuff to stay warm.
This weekend has been very full. A friend in our ward lost her mom and the funeral was Saturday. Friday evening we got a call asking if our family could supply a musical number. Of course I said yes, I love singing. Tawny, Eve and Aurora all acquiesced to sing with me (a few bribes later...) and we sang "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" in three part harmony with a good friend accompanying on the piano. I'm sure it could have been better if had had a couple weeks to practice, but I felt so humble to have the privileged to sing with my daughters - and they did fantastic! I had Bill record a practice we did the night before, but since my blog is being read by, I don't know, like 2 more people now Eve refused to sing for the camera unless I promised not to blog it, at least not the video part. So as soon as I figure out how to get the sound off the camera, I'll post it.
Last night at family counsel we had to once again discuss how annoying Harrison is (what ever the kids wright in the book has to be talked about at counsel...). Bill remembered an article written called "The Grapefruit Syndrome". It came about because I went around the table asking everyone who was annoying them and how often. When it came to Harrison he commented that nobody really annoys him. Some of the things that annoyed the others were, "He makes faces", "he dances around like a robot on acid", "He slams on doors", & "He waves his hands in front of my face". Although I think with the sensitivity of some of my children, "He has a pulse and is breathing" could have been on the list. We did discern that Harrison does feed a bit on the hyper-sensitivity of those around him and pushes it. The only solution we could come up with is for a one time of, "Please stop" should stop what ever action and any action closely related. Also maybe some people need to relax a little. Not very creative, and I'm seriously doubting any miracles of sibling love developing this week. So does anyone else have any ideas?


TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Boarding school? ;)

JoEllen said...

That grapefruit story has always stuck with me. I must have read it for the first time as a teenager. It's hard sometimes when there is one sibling who seems more annoying than everyone else. In hindsight (and I'm speaking of my own childhood here) a little relaxation would have been good. Who cares if he dances like a robot on acid? It won't matter in 5 years anyways as people begin to move out. All Harrison will remember is that his family thought he was annoying. Do share any great ideas you guys come up with...

Anonymous said...

I'm 27 and I still like to bug my sister.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved