Friday, January 9, 2009

here's the stats

  • Bill's birthday was also the anniversary of our move to Muncie 3years ago. A friend recently blogged on her move to Munice, so I'm going to copy her, kind of. She had major trauma and has the patience of Job, my move was not nearly as 'newsworthy'. But using statistics I'm going to share my Muncie experience with you!

As I said, we moved to Muncie 3 years ago which is roughly 13% of my life and I still get lost 10% of the time (which is way better than the 80% the first mountains, no way to see north, south east and west).

  • We added one more person to our family taking it up to 9, a 1.13 % increase, but a 60% increase in joy and unity.
  • I have the greenway that I walk on 5/7 days during the spring, summer and fall, but have only done about .25 /7 in the winter. Luckily I have the YMCA to make up the difference.
  • Which brings me to my next topic, I've gained 15 pounds since moving here, which makes me 100% ticked off.
  • We've found that 90% of the restaurants don't have food Bill likes to eat, leaving us eating at Panera because the other two we can't afford.
  • There's been no change in my house keeping skills - I'm still in the bottom 10% there.
  • Because of the cost of living we'll have our house paid for in two more years. Then we can put all that extra cash into fixing it up:-)
  • I have later nights because of the teenagers and earlier mornings because of seminary, and wake ups because of the babies, so I'm getting 20% less sleep, making a 70% difference in brain function.
  • I have been able to use 92% of my talents, I've sung in church 4 or 5 times, I've M.C.ed the Ward Christmas Party (I call that a talent regardless of my success rate:-), I've taken some portraits for others, taught a brief stint of aerobic, and may again, been a board member of an art gallery, taken two pottery classes, and been in one community musical.
  • I've fallen even more in love with my husband (about 15% more!) and have more admiration for my children (12%).

hmmm, a birthday, an anniversary, I feel a give a way coming on, keep your eyes peeled (very gross expression in my opinion!).


JoEllen said...

3 years already! You moved in the week after we did, and I just can't believe it's been that long. I miss the Greenway 100% of the time! :)

cate said...

I enjoy 100% of this post. You've accomplished a lot in three years.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved