Saturday, March 5, 2011

glasses/rain/bedroom/play blog

It's been awhile since I've blogged, so this will be an eclectic variety of topics, great for those with ADD!
First off, my baby has glasses!  That was hard for me.  Danni's eyes are OK, she just needs a little help with reading sometimes, and she'll more than likely grow out of it.  Enoch is another story.  Somehow they can magically deduce that he can't see and then prescribe some glasses.  He keeps them on for about 5 minutes, even the strap can't keep him from tearing them off.  We've had them for 5 days and they are scratched, tweaked, bent, and crooked.  Any ideas?
 Remember my whining about our living room/ playroom?  Well now we can add bedroom to that.  Tawny has been completely squeezed out since she left for school last fall.  So now she gets the floor with a futon mattress.  Feel sorry for me yet? (That little girl in the pic is not one of mine, she was a friend over playing with Danni).
The rain has caused us comparatively little problems when I hear about the stories of other people.  Above is what happens when we decided to use cardboard boxes to store stuff in...
I had a bag full of love letters my grandfather wrote to my grandmother back around 1945.  I had plans to copy them and make books for all my siblings.  I about died when Eve brought me the wet bag!  My sister helped Eve and I spread out the letters and it looks like very little damage was done...I'm so grateful!  Now I have the job of getting them in order after they're dry, it looks like there's about 150 or so of them.

 Lastly~ I was able to watch Aurora in a play this weekend.  She was superb!  A complete natural on stage.  I hope she does many more.


TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Oh my goodness--super cute glasses. They both look darling. Remind me when I talk to you next to tell you what we did for J when she got her glasses--she was just 4.
And so sad about the letters. :(

tappingflamingo said...

I can so relate to having some water issues in the house. A couple of years ago, we came back from vacation to find that our hot water heater in the attic above our master bathroom exploded. What a mess! Six weeks later, we had a new master bathroom and bedroom. We were told that if we'd been one more day, the whole house would have had water damaged. Am thankful for small blessings. I am so glad your letters were able to be saved.

JoEllen said...

It never seems like there is time to get to those "someday" projects until something like rain makes your realize it should have already been done!

I'm so glad that your letters survived. That would have been absolutely heartbreaking.

No news on this round of HCG?


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved