Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

So yesterday it struck me that Valentine's Day was on Monday, then I remembered that Danni would need roughly 22 valentines for her class.  I had to make a choice:
(A) At 6:00 am drive to Walmart and rake through the Hanna Montana and Hello Kitty cards put into the grocery cart and marked down by 50% because most of the smart people shopped ahead and who would be stupid enough to need anything the actual morning of V-day?  Then I would have to rake over the cheap chocolates in the cart next to it for something fun and worth getting a little piece of paper with a sentiment like, "I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."
(B) Go through the wonderful treasure trove of scrap booking paraphernalia that a sweet friend gave us and make our own cards, then attach a yummy earth organic sucker to it because that's all we have - even though the average child could care less if his sucker was made with organic sugar or turpentine - as long as it tastes good.
I choose (B) ~ Danni and I picked out fun colorful - and not even valentines themed paper and had a ball making valentines for the class. 
What did I get for V-day?  I'm glad you asked!  I got a clean kitchen...and really that's all I wanted.  I did get a couple other fun things, but I'll tell you more about them later.
Have a Happy Valentines day - love the ones your with:-)

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

I would pick a handmade valentine over Hello Kitty any day!


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved