Sunday, October 18, 2009

We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight so that meant cooking a real meal. Since Tawny is so busy throughout the week now we traded and she took over Sundays, so that's nice for me. That is until it comes time for clean up, which I also don't have to worry about in the sense of any of it being my responsibility, but I do in the sense of making sure it gets done. Quite frankly I could get it done quicker than how long it takes me to get them all working. I had to stop a water fight, a wrestling match, and a baby from drinking the dog's water....
As the kids were in dreaming up ways to pay me back for the torture I'm causing them by making them work all night (from roughly 7:00 to 8:45 - a job I could've had done in 3/4 of an hour...alone!) I over heard one say that she was going to have her kids call me 'Granny', then came the title 'Memaw', I said I'd love it, I can't wait. Then one of my wonderful children decided that the best payback would be teaching her children to come up to me and say, "Hey Kristie, where's my present?"
If they could only put that kind of creativity into cleaning!

1 comment:

Gillian said...

That is pretty funny! I remember the days of hanging out all evening in the kitchen with my older sister doing everything but the cleaning.


Real cool guy!


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Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


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