Friday, September 11, 2009

Priesthood Power

"The priesthood is the eternal power and authority of God. Through the priesthood God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Through this power He redeems and exalts His children, bringing to pass "the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). God gives priesthood authority to worthy male members of the Church so they can act in His name for the salvation of His children. Priesthood holders can be authorized to preach the gospel, administer the ordinances of salvation, and govern the kingdom of God on the earth. " (
I wanted to start this post off with the definition of the word "Priesthood" because what follows may not make sense if you don't know the meaning of the word.
On Labor Day morning (about 4:30am) the twins and a friend who were sleeping in the living room woke up to a man coming into the house. Once he saw them there he backed out and explained that his son had a seizure and he needed to get to the hospital (I didn't know about him walking into the house until much later). Aurora came to our bedroom and said there was someone at the door and needed to get to the hospital...I got up, Bill had to work. As I was slipping on some clothes Bill asked what was going to happen with the kids, I told him I would drop them off then come back home.
I got down stairs and I asked this man where the child was. He said his son was being flown to Riley (in Indianapolis), he just needed to get to the hospital here (in Muncie) to take care of insurance stuff and then drive down there. As I turned our minivan onto the road to get us to the hospital the fastest he said he needed to go by his girlfriend's place to get a car. So I went the opposite direction to her place.
Mean while Bill realized that if I was just making a drop off that would be quick and he could do that. By the time he came downstairs I was gone. Aurora told him the I had left with a guy and that his son was at Riley. Bill panicked, especially since I was going to wrong way for either hospital. He said he knew I was in danger and immediately used his priesthood power to command the angels to watch over me. He then called David about using his car. David said as soon as the phone rang he knew there was danger afoot.
I had taken this man to his girlfriends apartment. He ran in and came back out in a couple of minutes. He jumped in my van with a lit cigarette, and that totally ticked me off. I ordered him out of my van with it. He threw it out, but I rolled down the windows because it stunk, he said he threw it out, I told him it still stunk and I needed fresh air. He said he didn't know I didn't smoke, I said I don't smoke or drink or waste money on things like that which can harm my body. I think that is where this fellow discovered I wasn't a pushover (completely anyway). He said he needed to get to an ATM to get money for gas, then the car was at his girlfriend's mom's place. I took him to get the money, then over (across town) to the mom's place. Again he went in and came back and said it wasn't there, it was probably at another place. I went to the next place which was in a neighborhood that was so run down and dilapidated, no lights, just old homes falling apart. He told me to stop and went back a couple of houses to the door. I put the van in reverse so I was in front of the place where he went. He came back and asked if I would pull up, it made the people nervous having a vehicle outside. I told him that was stupid and I would either stay where I was or leave. He said leave then. So I did. I drove home thinking that was a jerky thing to do. What a twit!! I'm sure he was getting some drugs or something and used my love for children as a way to drive him around.
Bill and David - thinking I was heading to Riley - drove 100mph to Daleville to intersect me. Bill called the police, but they wouldn't do anything since nothing had really happened that they were aware of. It happened that when I pulled up Tawny and the girls were canvasing the area asking people of they had a child who had a seizure...Bill had called the hospital and no life flights left after midnight. I spoke with Bill on his phone telling him what happened and he came home a very shaky and upset man. He was sure he had lost his wife and that I was dead somewhere in the river.
I never felt in danger...but looking back that is probably because I wasn't, I had angels protecting me.
I have some things I would do different if there's a next time: 1st- I would have written down his name, address, and phone number and left it with the family, 2nd- I would have taken Clover (dog) or a kid (big one, like Harrison), 3rd- I would have gotten details before we left the house, 4th- I would have taken Bill's cell phone. I'm not going to stop helping people, but I will be more careful.
I have waited on blogging about this incident because I wasn't sure how to approach it. It's such a long story. But then I found out from a friend that a co-worker had a similar experience, so maybe this is something you need to know about.
Also I want to testify on the power of the Priesthood!
To add to that testimony I have another experience that happened this morning. This one is much more joyous! I have had some sort of killer knot in my neck for a few days. I asked for a blessing this morning from my husband and David. I asked Bill to anoint and David to seal it and give the blessing (just like in the Bible in James 5: 14-15) David wasn't feeling real great either and said he wanted to wait until he felt stronger before giving his first blessing, but I insisted. He left and prayed and came back and gave me a wonderful blessing! It was so moving to have my son lay his hands on my head along with Bill's and pronounce a blessing on me with all the power and majesty of his office in the Priesthood. This was a sweet tender mercy that I will cherish!


Charitons said...

So glad you have a family that prays and that you are safe!

JoEllen said...

It's unfair that people prey on our sensitivities. I'm glad that you're safe!

Erika said...

Thank goodness for the power of prayer! Seriously, you are one brave woman. Crazy story! Poor Bill, I could just imagine what was going through his mind.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved