Tuesday, June 30, 2009

soap opera dreams

I was looking for a chocolate cream cheese frosting recipe and I stumbled upon this: http://www.cupcakeproject.com/ fun fun fun yum yum yum!

I had to go to the 'Y' today because when I was walking yesterday I got a blister on my foot - time for new shoes. After my workout I went into the locker room to get dressed and someone had turned on the TV, and a soap was playing. It was so stupid (don't know which one it was...) but I was still glued to it. I don't think I've ever dressed slower in a YMCA locker room! When I finally pulled myself away I wondered what my life would look like as a soap opera.....

6:00 am and the alarm goes of (soft music in the background) my perfectly non made up face buries itself into the pillow as my ruggedly handsome husband turns off the alarm and sits on the edge of the bed for 5 minutes trying to figure out what day it is.
6:10 am I gracefully roll our of bed and trip over my clothes I threw on the floor the night before. I go brush my teeth because I can taste my icky poop breath (germs poop making it stink...ask Queen!).
6:30am After scripture study where my beautiful children yawn there way through a chapter I leash up the dog and take my perfectly formed size 18 body out for a power walk dodging graffiti about killing Muncie cops (new this last week) and bikers pulling speeds near 80. (there would be some intense music happening in there, except when Clover has to stop to go potty - why don't people ever need to go potty in the movies?
8:00 am - I come back to the steps of our home, slick down wet from sweating like a racehorse, shake my hair loose and strut into the house and gulp down 1/2 gallon of water, letting the water run over the sides of my mouth and down my already soaking t-shirt.
8:15 am - I walk out to the garden and talk sweetly to my plants (after yelling at my kids about getting back up out of bed and start their jobs!). I may water, I may not, I will most definitely pull some weeds. The heady power of deciding what plants live and what plants die, and what bugs get to live while I smooth the others with my gloved thumb almost turns me to the 'dark' side. Fortunately my husband has snuck up on me to kiss me good by and scared the beejeebers out of me...just in time to save my soul...

OK - so not much of a plot, but really, do any of them even have plots? It seems like a lot of scenes are either in hospitals or bedrooms.

I'll have to work on it a bit more before I delivery my scripts to the daytime soap people. And a title, all the good ones are taken. Any ideas?

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

No one has any ideas for a title? A title is definitely tricky...maybe something will come to me in my sleep? (those 5 hours of interrupted sleep are really good for weird dreams and random thoughts)


Real cool guy!


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Perfect in every way


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