Friday, June 19, 2009

shoo fly

Yesterday I saw a news line on my 'yahoo' homepage about Obama swatting a fly. I didn't watch it, but I thought, "How many people are going to complain about that?". It didn't take long, driving around in the afternoon I heard a story about PETA complaining about Mr. Pres killing a fly, go here if you want to learn more. I'm not an Obama fan, but I can't back this one up.
I have labeled myself a 'wanna be vegetarian'. Because that label has not made it to Wikapedia yet I will explain:
I buy meat maybe once every two or three months to make as a meal at home. It's usually for some one's birthday special request. The meat I buy is raised humanly and without hormones or chemicals. When we eat out I do get a meal with meat once in a while, but I have really kept to vegetarian choices lately. We eat meat very sparingly! It's a choice we have made for ourselves and don't begrudge anyone their meat choices. There are a few reasons we have made this lifestyle choice. One - for the health benefits. There are plenty of ways to get good proteins. Two- For some reason - as I have aged- I have a harder time imagining that lives are being taken for my appetites. I feel like someday I will be accountable for everything I have consumed on this planet. I know the animals are here for our benefit, to clothe and to feed us, and we are the caretakers of this Earth. I just don't want to take what I don't require.
Now after saying this I readily admit to a mink coat hanging in my closet. I would have never bought it for myself! Bill traded some art for it as a gift for me. I use it every winter and it brings me much warmth. If all those little minks are going to give their lives for a coat, then I want to show all the appreciation I can for it.
We have tried to catch mice with human traps, but they don't work very well and we have succumbed to the 'death traps'. I tried to get rid of our ants with natural means, but again, they didn't know what the people on the Internet knew, so I had to go for poison traps. I do feel bad, but it doesn't keep me up at night. As far as flies and mosquitoes go, a dead one is better than a live one, and I wield the flyswatter with deadly preciseness. We live in a 'no kill' zone for spiders, we escort those and any other bugs we find outside.

1 comment:

Devri said...

crazy people!

so a two flies were mating in my kitchen today.. nope! smash!

My fav is the spinach!

Hey go to my blog for a chance to win a Apple IPOD Itouch!



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