Sunday, May 17, 2009

I know...

One of the assignments I received from Time Out this past weekend was to share something I know. So I will, in a little bit - but first i want to share some of the amazing spirit I took away with you!
Here are some quotes, I will try to get them right and the authors right as well (I put these all in first person for my benefit);
"God won't give me anything I can't bear is false. It's God won't give me anything I can't bear without the Lord's help." Said by Kris Belcher
"If I saw a mom treating her daughter like I treat myself, what kind of mom would I think I am?" Kim Nelson
"Joy in life comes from knowing the woman [man] I love loves me. Joy comes in knowing that the God I love loves me." S. Micheal Wilcox
Also from him, "No greater burdens will I bear than those necessary."
Emily Watts said, "Some fruit [speaking of our children] ripen slower than others." and "We need to appreciate the incremental advancements."
Sheri Dew counseled me to learn the language of revelation from the scriptures.
Wendy Watson Raymond Russell gave the challenge to think about, "What have I changed my mind about lately?" and "What do I hold to be true?"
So here's what I hold to be true...what I know...
I know that the adversary is strong and alive. I know it is important to 'gird up our loins and wield the sword of truth'. I know that our children are on the battle's front constantly and any weakness in their righteous defence could be tragic.
I know that my husband loves me, I know this because he does laundry! He also treats me like the queen I am to become!
I know that Heavenly Father loves all his children. He loves the ones who drive by with rap blasting, he loves the woman who yells at her kids, he especially loves the children. He loves some enough to put them in my life and hope that I will be brave enough with my light to shine on their lives. He wants his children to come back to him - I know this!
(I will have some pics to post soon!)

1 comment:

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

I like the one about increment ripening of children. Sometimes I am frustrated that some don't grasp a concept as well as another and forget that each of my girls has strengths and weaknesses. I need to focus more on the strengths and appreciate them.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved