Sunday, January 4, 2009

My eternal family

It's PIE Sunday again! I'm looking at my messy kitchen wondering why I thought fast Sunday would be a good Sunday for this, I'm starving and tired!! I just took apples out of the freezer and plan to whip up an apple cheesecake. I'm making a pasta alfredo meal with some pesto cheese I'm excited to use, and maybe I can sweet talk Tawny into some french bread...
We take Christmas down for Family Night tomorrow, it seemed to speed by way too fast, it feels like the decorations just barely got up!
The Primary's theme for 2009 is "My Eternal Family". I love this theme, I even bore testimony on it today, then I rode back from church with my eternal family. Bill asked if there was anything they'd like to share from any classes in church today;
Child 1 "we made lists of what a perfect father and daughter should be - you were real close dad"
Child 2 "we were also supposed to name off attributes we felt we have.."
Child 1 "yeah (child 3) is a dork, she didn't know what an attribute was even after it had been explained like 4 times!"
Child 3 "I didn't want to copy anybody..."
Child 1 "you're still a dork!"
and then the excitement began and the other 3 started in and soon fists were flying into upper arms (why is it OK to punch in the bicep?) and I realized that this is MY eternal family! Bill is up doing PIE interviews now trying to figure out what went wrong in our parenting to cause such animosity.
I just look ahead to days in the not so far off future when they will be driving home from church with their spawn:-)

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

I too am excited about this year's Primary theme. We are no longer teaching the 4 year olds, but have been upgraded to Senior Primary teaching the Valiant 9. Wow, our class is wild! Younger kids want nothing more than to please you, but the older kids don't necessairly care if you're trying to talk, read scriptures, etc. It was a busy day with out 10 eight year olds! Whew!

As the new year starts, I am grateful for my eternal family, as small as it still may be. :)


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved