Tuesday, November 25, 2008

one week at a time

Two weeks ago I decided I needed to make some major changes in my life. I would look at pictures and wonder who the fat person was, then it would dawn on me, it's me!
Let me share some things with you about me that I have just become mature enough to be cognisant of:
1- I love to make yummy things in the kitchen
2- I love to eat those yummy things
3- I feel like I'm being denied in life if I don't get to eat yummy things
4- When I feel denied of yummy things I rebel and scarf even more yummy things
5- When I do make it any length of time in denial and haven't made the progress I think should have been made I eat more yummy things
As you see, I value yummy things~
So with this in mind I have started a program designed by me - for me, here it is...
Each week I add in one more good habit.
That's it, so simple, and it only took me 30 years to come up with it! The first week I stopped eating after 7:00 (thought this would be an easy one, but it's not!!) I have faltered, but it's still my goal.
The second week I added lifting weights to my work our regime.
This is now the third week and I am eating a salad everyday for lunch.
These will continue as I add on one more thing every week. Eventually I will have made all the right additions and all the junky habits will have slowly been weened out of my life. This also helps me enjoy the holidays.
I have ideas for up coming weeks, but I would like to know what you think would be a good addition. Eventually I'm going to run out of ideas:-)

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

I too love yummy treats and I love to bake, especially since I now have a 2 year old who loves to be in the kitchen. When I was trying to lose weight, I would give myself one day off a week. Usually a night we were having someone over or we were on a date, so I could enjoy dessert or a yummy treat. If I made a cake, I would donate the rest of it to a friend I love (like you.) :) I made a lot of friends! That way, when I was tempted, it was easier for me to say "no, you can have something better this friday." It really helped me.

Also, I told me visiting teachers (who always brought me treats) about my plan so that they wouldn't be tempting me either! :)

I think once you have a plan, the more people you tell, the easier it is to be accountable. I told EVERYONE! It helped.

I think your plan is great. Keep us posted.


Real cool guy!


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