Wednesday, November 26, 2008

bah hum-bug?

Bill has not sold a painting for over 2 1/2 months, so needless to say finances are a little tight. None the less we have been very blessed and are not destitute or homeless...yet:-) Normally I would feel very sad that I can't give my kids any real Christmas gifts, but not this year. I feel like we have been going another direction with Christmas for a few years now. We weren't even going to introduce the concept of Santa to Danni, but the older kids insisted last year. I know it sounds like I'm taking away the magic of Christmas for the little ones, and since most of the people who read this are young moms, I can imagine you think I'm a hum bug. But I feel like the magic isn't wrapped up in wrapping paper. It's the heart of the season. The kids have been told that they shouldn't expect gifts, and so far there hasn't been any complaining. We'll be in TN in a hotel (thanks to some good friends:-) Christmas morning anyway, so it will probably seem like any other day. We'll be able to enjoy the important things in life on Christmas Eve, and that's family! I love the decorations and spirit of the season, just not a big fan of the commercialism and gift expectations of it. I'm sure I'll re-visit this subject as the season continues, and I'd love to hear your take on it!


Kristie said...

i agree....but dont forget about the traditional christmas movie!=]

JoEllen said...

One of my sister-in-laws said that one year while she was growing up her parents told them (the 5 kids) that they would not be receiving gifts that year. They were to focus outward instead of inward. To enjoy their family more. The point was that the parents felt like the family as a whole was too wrapped up in material things. She said the kids in the family went a long with it, but they secretly expected something Christmas morning. They didn't get any gifts, but the closeness they felt as a family (and after a couple service projects) was more than enough. She said it is a Christmas that has always stuck with her.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved