Sunday, October 26, 2008

On the lighter side...

I have to put up this post to cheer everyone up who may have been suffering from depression due to my last post..
I've lived in Muncie just 2 months shy of three years, and I still get lost all the time. I'm directionally challenged. It's really not my fault, there are no mountains here to show me which way west is. Bill and I were in the devil's playground (some know it as Wal Mart) and looking at those compasses you can suction to the dashboard. We choose three and turned different directions to make sure they worked (now face north, think about direction wonder why you haven't before (background music cue)) then chose the cheapest one. So now I always know what direction I am going, west, always west. I got a little suspicious on a U-turn and the compass didn't change.
We got flowers for Tawny to give her on the opening night of her big performance. We wrote in "break a leg, love, mom &dad". Danni picked up the card and informed me that she would read it for me "crack an egg. Love mom & dad".
Today was our primary program, you're welcome those in Muncie 1st for the incredible performance. Please bear with me while I relate a couple of the high points from where I was sitting...
Danni lost her skirt during a musical number. Seth informed everyone that 'to strengthen his family' his family is mean to him, Danni must have been reminded of some issues as well because she also reported that we were mean to her, and that sometimes we have family home evening.
There were other chuckling moments, but I have to say that over all the children did very well, and (this is a plus) we really don't have a problem with stage fright in our primary!


Devri said...

First, go girl for nursing for so long, second, I want to stop nursing, I am already tired of it and he is only 6 months old. But I will continue.

Third, get sretch wrap, ya know the ones to wrap a sprain, get the big size and wrap those puppies as tight as tight can be.. It works I promise, 3 children proof.

JoEllen said...

I too suffer from being directionally challenged, and I have no excuse. There are mountains here! :)

Wendy said...

Add me to the list of directionally challenged. Indiana has been a real challenge for me....I need mountains to use as a compass as well. I also appeciate a gridded street system like SLC.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved