Monday, June 23, 2008


Do you remember on Sesame Street when they sang the song ,"One of these things is not like the other..."? Well we have a 'couple' in our duck populace that stands out from the rest. She is 'different'. They have been together for a couple of years now, and evey time I see them I'm amazed. I have yet to see them with a line of ducklings following behind, I think that's sad, I would love to see what they look like.

Speaking of seeing things differently, I've had a couple of instance where my brian would not accept what it was looking at. Just a few weeks ago Bill and I went into my in-laws house and as we were passing through the kitchen I saw plants growing (mind you, nobody lives there yet). I knew something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what. It was poison Ivy! Plants growing out of a wall isn't normal, my brain had to work to realize what it saw.

Another time was when we were in Hays KS. We lived a block from the university and we were surrounded by all those lovely student homes. One Sunday morning I made my way down the steps and to the kitchen. I noticed someone sleeping on our couch. Again, it took awhile before my brain could digest that there was a total stranger sawing logs in our living room.

There's some interesting videos done on this subject.

I realize how much I focus inwardly, or on my immediate surroundings (children, pets, advertisements, etc) while I'm journeying through life and how little attention people outside my circle of concern get. I think I need to pay more attention to people, there may be more 'ducks' aroundme than I realize!


Devri said...

I love this post, keep up the good work, and I love your new side photos of your kids, I just changed mine too, take a looky if you wanty

JoEllen said...

I love the side photos also! Does Harrison have a little upper lip shadow?

How in the world was poison ivy growing out of the walls? When are your in-laws moving in?

Kristie said...

Yes Joellen, Harrison has lip fuzz! That irritatating hair that scratches my cheek when he kisses me good night. The Ivy found it's way through the siding and found a hole somewhere, tough stuff. Hopefully they'll be in by the end of winter, they have to sale there place in AK.

Devri said...

I need a favor, check out my blog


Family said...

This was too funny! James and I are people watchers by nature. I don't know if it would have worked on us. :)


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved