Friday, May 2, 2008

God Bless America

This is a more serious blog today. While I admit that I live in the greatest country in the world, there are some improvements that need to be made.

This whole situation in TX with the FLDS Church is way out of hand. I have always been disgusted with the way the LDS church was treated back in the polygamist days. This country was founded by men (and women) who came here to escape religious persecution. Of course we (we being the LDS Church) were able to survive and thrive, but it shouldn't have been an issue. (OK, secretly I would love another wife around who happened to love cleaning and babysitting and hated sex!) Taking all those children away from their homes in Texas was tragic. It was wrong! I have a 16 year old daughter, I can't imagine marrying her off (OK, there are days when I might imagine having somebody else volunteer to take my hormonal daughter away - but never seriously - at least hardly ever...). I haven't been raised with the scaffolding that is their life. Many cultures around the world practice pre-arranged marriages at very young ages. Aren't we blessed to pick our own spouse, and aren't we blessed to live in a country that allows divorce if the choice might not suite us (proven by an over 50% divorce rate)?

The video on this blog is spot on with what I believe about gun control. It's been awhile ago since ol' Chuckie ( Chuck Schumer) is now a bit more portly and grey. I would love to find that lady and high five her. The right to bare arms (while the only gun we own squirts water, and not very accurately) is worth protecting at all costs!

God Bless America!

1 comment:

Devri said...

I really don't understand and haven't or don't follow all the news, but I do know that it would kill me to have my children taken away from me, I don't know if the mothers at fault, but I do know children need to be with thier mother and father, in a family setting, and not in foster care.


Real cool guy!


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Hunky boy!


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Perfect in every way


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