Monday, March 8, 2010

Good Mommy-Hood

Spring is the season of re-birth, new babies, and a renewed sense of mommy-hood, at least for me.
For my birthday (March 2nd in case you forgot to mail me my card:-) the sun came out, and stayed out. You could almost hear me sigh..."It's about freakin' time!" - if you were in a 10 block radius. Yes I was getting SADD (Sick And Ditheringly Daft).
Along with the sun came my good mommy-hood. I took the kids out walking everyday. The snow on the path was still too deep for the stroller to roll through it, so I had to drag it backwards, good buttocks workout! We planned our days around being outside. TV was turned off, lunches were made with care instead of free snacking all day. I even made sure Danni had a serving of lettuce everyday. Today has topped last week and we stretched our walk from 1 mile to almost 2! The Greenway was almost completely snow free! (Lots of exclamations, can you tell I'm happy!?)
I let Enoch out to walk on the Wheeling stretch of the river. He followed Danni and let his hand strum each bar along the way. He was not impressed with her observations and it caused a bit of a pile up. I even cracked down on Danni's schooling, which she's not too excited about. She told the therapist that was here working with Enoch that Kindergarten would be much easier. Today she's going through flashcards that have nouns or adjectives on them. She is supposed to read them and then put them in the right pile. I usually say a sentence with the word to help her out, like 'gentle' ~"The gentle dog wags its tale." She came upon the word 'forceful';
Me - "Do you know what that words means?"
Danni - shakes her head "no".
Me- "It's kind of like bossy."
Danni- "Oh like when I'm in the room with Aurora, Tawny and Eve, and they are forceful because they want me to either stop it, clean, or get out."
I learn so much...

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Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved