Saturday, February 13, 2010

Once upon a time

there were four princesses living in a humble castle. Every once in awhile princes from far off lands would sup with the princess' family - upon the invite of the queen (AKA -signing a calendar in Relief Society to have missionaries over for dinner). These dinners were delicious, the queen being such a great cook that no help was employed. And she used ingredients both healthful and tasty.
On one such occasion one of the princesses attempted to slyly unburden her tofu chili of it's tofu into her sister's bowl. Of course the queen sees all- knows all- and must comment on all. After seeing the princess attempt to veer from eating any of the ambrosia the princes also began to ask questions on this apparently foreign fair...
Later, after the concern over tofu had been replaced by the exaltation over hot sopapillas and honey..the queen thought she might entertain the guests by exhibiting her skills on the guitar. After only playing for 1 week with the masterful Esteban on DVD she had felt confident in her skills with Malaguena and after the first five or so tries was nearly able to peg it! The queen's ever watchful eye noticed a couple of her princesses shrinking into their seats, much like Alice in Wonderland, getting smaller and smaller.
The queen began to wonder... were her princesses disappearing for lack of nourishment? (remember- one didn't eat her tofu...) Or were they hiding under the table for some other reason? be continued.....

(just as an end note, I have a friend blogger who is the real queen, I would never stoop to take her title, she rules! )


Erika said...

That's funny. I'll be honest, I feel for your little princesses. I remember being in their shoes...and I'm sure my daughters will be those shoes one day too. It makes me laugh.

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Ha! You do realize that I am only the Queen in my own head, right? ;)


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved