Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What happens when I run out of stamps?

I'm too lazy to drive my husband to work, so I figure I can easily walk to the post office later. I take Enoch in the back pack, the dog on the leash, and Danni walks beside. I notice about 1/4 mile out that Danni wore flip flops, I think, "I wonder if I should have made sure she had on better shoes before we left." & "I wonder if I shouldn't have taken the long way." We stop at the Minnetrista to play in the children's garden, we watch for turtles along the Wheeling river walk, we turn up Franklin to go to the post office at about 1.5 miles Danni points out her blister forming from her flip flops on her foot. I tie Clover up, assure Danni she won't run away, and get stamps. Come back out and see that, no Clover didn't run away and she managed just fine for the 3 minutes we were in the building. I give Danni a choice, we head home, or we go another 4 blocks to the Farmstand, ues their phone and take a chance on David already being gone and have to walk even further home...she chooses the Farmstand. I catch David as he's driving to work, bride him with a Trader's Point Strawberry yogurt and he comes to pick up Danni. I walk home with Enoch and dog. Total cost for the stamp run ($8.80 for book of stamps, 2 quarts of yogurt -$6.00 each, 1 chocolate milk $5.50(surprise for Bill at work), and a brown rice syrup $8.19 -since I'm there anyway) : $29.00 I could have bought her a good pair of shoes for that!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Things I noticed from reading my blog. If I were a teenager I would have said we only have 1 car and I have to share, I don't own a cell phone so have to borrow, A double jogger stroller would have taken care of everything. But I'm not a teenager and I love my 1 vehicle no cell phone no jogger stroller life!


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved