Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bill abuse

I should make this clear, Bill is the abuser, we are the abused! It's spring break for 4 out of my 5 kids. There is also no seminary this week. But that fact hasn't stopped Bill from making his early morning rounds and waking us up for family scripture study. Now he is giving us 1/2 an hour more sleep (5:45 instead of 5:15), and we can go back to bed and sleep in until 10:00 while he goes off to work at his studio, and this morning I was able to convince him that one morning it wouldn't hurt to sleep in until 7:00, but there's still a very 'un' spring break attitude floating around the house. Maybe it's not Bill's fault, maybe it's me, maybe the fact that the kids are required to weed, rake, shovel, hoe, plant, and water our soon to be generous garden is causing a non-holiday atmosphere. Maybe the fact that jobs still must be done, and meals made is taking away from a vacation mentality. Could be that I'm taking advantage of having babysitters here and going to work out and shop and meet people mid-day and forcing them to stay at home and take care of kids that's making glum faces. Hmmm so maybe I'm the abuser?!? (not!)


TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

Shame on both of you. You are both mean and should be made to pay. Maybe a long time out for you both? Say, maybe all Friday long you can't interact with anyone. You must stay in your room and read and eat chocolate and sleep--anything but be by the kids. ;)

Wendy said...

You are so unreasonable! If you don't watch out, you'll be neck and neck with me for meanest mom award!

JoEllen said...

I can't wait to see pictures of this garden! I imagine it's going to be spectacular.

Good for you guys for putting the kids to work. :) And keeping them on track with family scripture study. I agree that it probably wouldn't hurt to sleep in until 7...but if you're going back to bed 545 really so bad? :)


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved