Sunday, March 16, 2008

Laughing heals!

I think only a person who has their face molded in concrete can keep from laughing with a baby! Today Enoch discovered bananas! He's had a juiced carrot daily for about a month now, and he enjoyed the banana thouroughly.

Bill is now in his new studio, drop by or just look up when driving on Walnut. It's a three flight climb, it's embarrasing when the kids whip by me taking steps two at a time and Bill and I need a re-coup time at the top of the steps!

Life feels good right now. We're heading into spring, and I know I can't go plant a garden tomarrow, but the promise is enought to lift my spirits for now.

Last week I went walking in the snow, about 4 inches or so. There's a brick path that leads up to the greenway that kind of has an 'S' curve to it. I have walked it almost daily for two years, and in my confidence I went to step where the path was. To my amazement I stepped onto ground at one point. How was it that a path I thought I knew so well I could not navigate when there was a blanket of snow down? It's made me think that I need extra directions in other areas I thought I knew well like raising children and living healthy.


Lindsay said...

I discovered yesterday that some babies, like this really sweet one in our ward, just don't laugh -- or, at least, don't laugh too often. It made me sad. And it also made me so grateful that I have a little boy who laughs at EVERYTHING! He keeps me laughing, and I love it!

Also, hooray for spring seriously being right around the corner! Next to laughing babies, I think this is what's making me happiest these days.

Devri said...

kids can make a horrible day to the greatest day in an instant. And I was excited for spring to be heading our way, in the 50's, but yesterday we woke up to snow, quite depressing. oh well, on the plus side, it melted very fast.

JoEllen said...

Sal's family has started calling Little Sal "Sally Bananas" because he eats bananas two at a time! People can hardly believe it. Hooray for Enoch and his solid food ventures.


Real cool guy!


Here is beauty!


Hunky boy!


Green eyed goddess


Perfect in every way


Princess angel girl


Nobody is more loved